Geoff Cooper
Drummer, Drum Teacher and Production
Here are links to sites that I hope you find interesting.
The Norfolk Blues Society - A great opportunity to catch up with all the great blues players from accross the county at regular jam sessions.
Robin Bibi is a great guitar player, runs a truely rocking blues band, and I'm proud to call him a mate!
Ron Sayer Jr - Stunning guitarist/writer/vocalist. Definitely Norfolks Robin Bibi and coming from me that is some compliment!
Dr.Feelgood - featuring my old mate Kevin Morris on drums are still rocking as good as ever.
Analogy - the cult band that evolved into Earthbound. A tribute to the late "Mops" Neinhaus tells their history.
Drum Channel - is the drum worlds best subscription site for high quality video and audio.
one of the finest drummers in the world, a really lovely man AND we share an interest in chihuahuas!
Glyn Devey - Really talented Guitarist, Producer and Writer.
While I have no control over the content of external sites, I think they are well worth mentioning.